Work with us!
At Security Fire Protection District we are always accepting new applications. Please know that as of 2023 we are no longer sending individuals through an academy and need to have all required certifications completed prior to applying. Please send all applications to
Published Final Pay Scale 2025.pdfCareer Staff Application.pdfBy signing this Application for Employment, I agree that:
- All the information that has been provided is true and factual. I further understand that any false or misleading information may result in rejection or application and/or termination of employment.
- I request that any of my employers, past or present, certification/licensure agencies or individuals provide to a representative of Security Fire Department whatever information is requested concerning my work history and performance, certification/licensure, and/or personal character. I understand this information will be treated as a confidential personnel record. I hold Security Fire harmless from all liability for any damages that may result from requesting, receiving or acting upon this information.
- The State of Colorado is a "right to work state" and Security Fire Department is an at will employer. I understand that I can be terminated at any time with or without cause or notice.